Training design thinking

Learn to think and innovate like a designer!


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In a world driven by innovation, the ability to think creatively and innovatively and solve complex problems in innovative ways is more valuable than ever.

Meet design thinking - a powerful methodology that enables individuals and teams to tackle challenges with fresh thinking and a user-centered approach. But what exactly is design thinking and how can it benefit you and your team?

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is really: thinking and working like a designer, even if you are not one yourself. It's not just a process, it's first and foremost a mindset. A way of approaching problems with empathy, curiosity and a willingness to experiment. It's about putting yourself in the end user's shoes, understanding their needs, and then working together to create solutions that truly suit them.

During the training we go hands on and turn theory into practice. Using actual cases, we practice design thinking skills and process. That way you not only understand it, you experience firsthand how differently it works.

Design Thinking Skills

  1. Curiosity: The basis of design thinking lies in curiosity - the desire to explore, ask questions and challenge assumptions. 

  2. Empathy: Empathy is central to design thinking. It is about understanding the needs, wants and emotions of the people for whom you are designing. Not just the explicit needs, but more so the latent needs, wants and desires. 

  3. Co-creation: Design thinking thrives on collaboration. But it doesn't come naturally. Innovative teams need to put extra effort into a safe team climate and constructive communication.

  4. Visual Thinking: They say a picture says more than a thousand words, and in design thinking, visual thinking is a powerful tool for communication and problem solving. 

  5. Iterative Work: Design thinking is an iterative process. It involves embracing experimentation, soliciting feedback and then incorporating that feedback. 

The Design Thinking Process

We use a proprietary 3-stage process: explore, invent & develop. Each of these phases has another divergent and a convergent movement. That gives following 6 steps:


Scanning: Gain a deep understanding of the people you are designing for by observing, communicating and empathizing with them.

Selecting: Clearly define the problem or challenge you are trying to solve, focusing on the needs and insights gathered during the empathize phase.


Imagining: Generate a wide range of possible solutions, choose the most promising ones and develop them into concepts.

Prototyping & testing: Bring your concepts to life through rapid prototyping. Gather feedback from users through testing and iteration, refine your prototypes based on their insights and experiences.


Calculate: what business model do you want to adopt and what do the process steps look like? Who and what do you need? In what time frame can you deliver?

Story: Coming up with a good idea is one thing, getting it sold is another. You are already convinced, but you will also have to get others to buy into your story. 

Quote icoon
If a picture says more than a thousand words, then a prototype is worth more than a thousand meetings

By embracing design thinking principles and practices, individuals and teams can unlock their creative potential, drive innovation and make a real impact in the world. So what are you waiting for? Start thinking like a designer today and see where it takes you!

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