Innovation Strategy Facilitation

Your innovation strategy as a compass through the complex landscape of volatile markets.


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What is innovation strategy?

An innovation strategy propels companies toward sustainable growth and competitive advantage. It is a strategic plan that makes choices and provides direction: Where do we want to go? Where do we want to be in a few years? And how do we get there? What do we do and what do we definitely not do? Where do we invest our time and resources? And how do we make a sensible innovation mix?

The Importance of Innovation Strategy Workshops

Our innovation strategy workshops are designed to help organizations identify complex problems we want to address and new opportunities we want to seize. These workshops provide a platform, allowing team members to think freely about the future of the organization without the usual operational constraints.

The result? A clear plan with clear goals that can lead to game-changing innovations.

Facilitating the strategy

Our innovation strategy workshop facilitators are supportive. They do not dive into the content, but focus on the process, safety in the group and the desired outcome. In this way, everyone can maximize the end result.

This means having a professional on your side who can take a neutral position, who does this on a daily basis and who can make adjustments where necessary. That way you don't have to deal with this and all your attention and energy can go to sharing knowledge and determining the right direction.


Find the right innovation mix

Together we will explore the changes that are coming and how we want to be in them. What trends might impact us? And what about the competition? 

On this basis, we choose the strategic pillars on which you want to focus:

  • The inside of the organization: business model, structure, processes, culture, etc.
  • The offer: products, services, features,...
  • The outside of the organization: branding, channels, image, after service,...

In addition, we choose the appropriate method:

  • Internal/ make: spontaneous idea creation, demand-driven idea creation, sandbox, R&D,...
  • External/ buy: Innovation consultants, mergers & acquisitions, open innovation with customers, co-creation,...

Based on these choices, we establish a roadmap that will lead us to the goals we have in mind.

Tap into the collective intelligence

One of the most powerful assets of any organization is the collective intelligence of its employees. By leveraging diverse skills, knowledge and perspectives, companies can unlock a wealth of information to forge even stronger plans for the future together. By choosing a cross-functional team composed of people from different departments, you ensure more diverse knowledge, a more robust end result and support throughout the organization.

For whom?

These workshops are ideally suited for management teams, strategy teams or innovation teams who want to create clarity in a structured way about the path they want to take. What goals they want to achieve, by when and how. 

After the Workshop: Implementation and Evaluation

What happens after the workshop? The true challenge often begins when the strategy is implemented. Have a clear plan of who will do what and when. Track progress and make adjustments as needed. 


Facilitation of innovation strategy workshops is an art in itself. It requires not only proper preparation and techniques, but also follow-up to successfully implement the identified strategy. With the right approach, your organization can reap the benefits of these creative efforts and take a leading role in the market.

A workshop done right can make the difference between stagnation and growth. It is an investment in the future of your business. Are you ready to take on this challenge?

Interested? Contact us!

Is your innovative muscle stimulated? Then don't hesitate to contact us!
