Facilitating brainstorms

Do you want to tackle a stalled problem with your team? Or are you looking for a method to discover and make the most of new opportunities together with stakeholders? Then a professionally facilitated brainstorming session is just what you need.


Interested? Contact us!

What makes a brainstorm valuable?

A brainstorm is a structured process that has the power to generate the most brilliant ideas in a short period of time. Effective brainstorming requires clear guidelines so that all participants feel safe to really think out-of-the-box. It is a powerful tool when used in the right way.

This is why we deliberately choose professionally guided sessions that strike a balance between freedom and structure, between serious and playful, between discovery and achieving results.

Our goal is to explore ideas off the beaten path and then translate them into practical solutions. Because creativity means generating original as well as feasible ideas. We strive for results that are usable in practice.

Take a brainstorming facilitator under your wing?
How do we ensure a successful brainstorming session?

Under the guidance of an experienced facilitator, your team gets to work. These sessions typically last from half a day to two days, depending on the complexity of the issue and the desired outcome.

Our facilitators are experts in leading creative processes. They know how to get the best out of a group, turn resistance into positive energy and ensure that you achieve the desired results. By working with a facilitator, you as an executive can actively participate without having to be concerned with the process.

Each brainstorming session is unique and requires a customized approach. Therefore, we always begin with a thorough intake meeting to determine the goal. Based on that, we create a customized plan.

Our brainstorming sessions always follow an established structure, based on the creative process, which consists of three phases:

1. Questioning: Has the right question been asked? Does everyone have all the necessary information?

2. Idea Creation: Generate many ideas + Select and further develop the best ideas into concepts.

3. Activation: What is needed to actually implement the concepts?


By the end of the session, you will have more and better ideas. For a group of about 12 participants, you can count on a list of dozens to hundreds of ideas and about four developed concepts. These concepts can range from an A4 sheet to a pitch or even an initial project plan, depending on the time available and the needs.

But the most important outcome of such a session is the involvement of the participants. The fact that they were able to contribute to finding solutions motivates them to champion these ideas and actually implement them. As a result, you not only get better solutions, but also more support. And as anyone who has experienced a change process knows, that is invaluable

Interested? Contact us!

Is your innovative muscle stimulated? Then don't hesitate to contact us!
