What is an innovation sprint?

An innovation sprint is a short and powerful innovation process, ideal for teams that want to start with employee-driven innovation.

Bedenk's innovation sprint is ideally suited for conceiving and developing innovative concepts for issues in which users play a prominent role. This can include external issues, such as products and services, as well as internal issues, such as processes and structures.

Our evidence based innovation sprint approach


At Bedenk, we use our own optimized process of 6 to 8 workshop days. We combine scientific insights from the Cromax model with a results-oriented approach to design thinking.

This results in a very efficient process: on average, 60 to 80% of the projects presented are given the green light for development. Moreover, about 80% of these are successfully implemented, proving that the process also produces very solid, supported projects.

Innovation  sprint workshops

The sprint itself consists of 6 to 8 workshop days, with an additional 1-2 days for participants to conduct research and prepare their final presentation:


Design sprint flow

1. Together with a small team of management, an innovation brief is drawn up.
2. We put together a pop-up innovation team (6 - 12 people). Preferably as cross-functional as possible and well spread across the organization. During an initial kick-off they get acquainted with the innovation assignment and determine which research actions are needed.
3. The team members conduct the necessary research themselves, ranging from desk research to customer interviews.
4. With the insights gained, we start our innovation sprint/innovation bootcamp.
5. The team presents 3 to 4 strategic projects to the core team.
6. The core team validates these projects, determines which ones get the green light and provides extensive feedback.

Intensive program

In this intensive process, there is 1 workshop day each week. This gives you a relatively short but powerful process that your employees can combine with their regular tasks. The lead time of the whole process from innovation assignment to decision moment is 2 to 3 months.


SCAN (1 day)
During the kick-off, participants learn about each other, the process and the innovation task. They are trained in appropriate communication strategies to ensure a safe team climate. Finally, they share knowledge about the topic and define knowledge gaps, based on which a research plan is created.

RESEARCH (+/- 1 day)
In pairs, team members conduct part of the research themselves, including in-depth interviews with at least three effective users.

SELECT (1 day)
The insights gained are shared and the most important ones are selected. Interesting new intersections are sought where the innovation layer is sharpened.


IMAGINE (1 to 2 days)
Participants explore innovation trends using sharpened innovation questions, generate out-of-the-box ideas and select the most promising ones for further development into basic concepts.

TEST (1 to 2 days)
The concepts are turned into prototypes, which the participants take to real users. After observation and questioning, the concepts are chosen and/or improved.


PLAN (1 day)
A profitable business model is developed based on tested concepts, including quantifying a mini-business case. The various concepts are molded into a thorough project plan, resulting in a reliable schedule for the developers.

STORY (1 day)
60% of persuasion is in the packaging. The more innovative the proposals, the more important this becomes. In the last workshop day we therefore pay extensive attention to stroytelling and the final presentation is prepared. The teams present their ideas to the innovation board.

One week later the innovation board decides during a validation workshop which projects get the green light.
These projects are then assigned to a development team.

Interested? Contact us!

Is your innovative muscle stimulated? Then don't hesitate to contact us!
