About Bedenk


Our mission

We help organizations become more creative and innovative from the inside out so that they become agile and can create their own future that benefits people, planet and profit.

Our Vision

The speed of change is only increasing. Organizations that want to stay ahead will have to adapt. They will have to become hyper agile so that they can take the initiative themselves and set the course for the future.

We believe that employees can be the innovation engine of an organization. They know the sector, the customers and the “inside” of the company like no other. They are therefore the ideal candidates to help think about the future of the organization.

To work towards such a culture of innovation, as a manager you don't want to just try anything. You want to know exactly what you are already doing well and where there is room for improvement. That is why we are committed to developing accessible, scientifically based tools that help us paint an accurate picture and translate the insights from science into practice.

Our values

Innovation is a team sport. That's why we work unrelentingly co-creatively. Both internally, with our own colleagues, and at and with our customers. This also means, for example, that colleagues come to the office as often as possible. After all, digital consultations cannot match the real thing!

We don't have to be scientists ourselves, but we recognize the added value of science in our field. We constantly keep our finger on the pulse to keep up with the latest insights from the fields of occupational psychology and economics. So we can rest assured that what we measure, what we recommend to our clients and what we do together with them really works. That's how we make a difference.

The future belongs to the “quick”. In our own work, too, we set an example: we are alert to opportunities, we do not wait to be asked and we are not afraid to get our teeth into something. This applies both within our own organization and to the work we do for clients.

As Albert Einstein put it, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Fun stimulates creativity. And what you enjoy doing, you do more often and better. That's why we make sure we bring that fun. Working with us and with us is fun, inspiring and energizing.

Companies are only agile and resilient if their people are. And people can only thrive if they are seen and treated with care, both physically and mentally. That is why we always treat our customers' employees with care, our customers themselves and our own colleagues.

Our colleagues as guides to your innovation thinking

Meet the Bedenk team

Sofie Dieltjens

Senior innovation consultant (freelance)

Evert Desmidt

Senior innovation consultant (freelance)

Tanya Van Rompuy

Senior innovation consultant (freelance)

Mark Vandael

Senior innovation consultant (freelance)

Interested? Contact us!

Is your innovative muscle stimulated? Then don't hesitate to contact us!


How do we work?

Some impressions from our daily life....